
Regulation on plants and facilities for which the environmental impact assessment is required and plants that can be built and used only with the environmental permit.

This Regulation determines the following: plants and facilities (installations) for which the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning and Environment must elaborate a official procedure of environmental impact assessment in the process of issuing of necessary environmental permits; plants and facilities for which the Federal Ministry has to decide the conditions for obtaining of the environmental permits; plants and facilities that are not under the mandatory environmental impact assessment evaluation process, but still aimed to obtain a official construction and/or operational permit issued by the competent Ministry; plants and facilities with a concrete and high risk of major accidents; the study of the environmental impact on the national territory; the necessary criteria for determining the needs of a concrete implementation of environmental impact assessment.; This Regulation includes also all activities planned in the area, which do not belong to the plants and facilities mentioned above, but still representing a significant environmental impact threat on the territory of the Federation BIH.

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Original Title: 

Pravilnik o pogonima i postrojenjima za koje je obavezna procjena utjecaja na okoliš i pogonima i postrojenjima koji mogu biti izgrađeni i pušteni u rad samo ako imaju okolinsku dozvolu.
Regional Info


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Language (ISO Code): 


Policy Type: 



Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: