
Resolution No. 82/T issuing the Implementing Guidelines for the importation, circulation and production of organic fertilizers.

This Resolution issues the Implementing Guidelines for the importation, circulation and production of organic fertilizers. Fertilizers are classified as follows: mineral fertilizers; organic fertilizers; fertilizers containing chlorine and sodium; and animal fertilizers. Requirements and conditions for the importation, circulation and production of organic fertilizers are: (a) registration at the Ministry of Agriculture; (b) not of animal origin; (c) not composed of remains or waste of slaughterhouses, industries (except agricultural industries) or domestic sources; (d) the percentage of sodium shall not be more than 3 percent; and, (e) the quantity of dried organic carbon in the liquid organic fertilizers not more than 10 gr/100 liquid grs. The Agricultural Affairs Department shall carry out the registration of fertilizers. The label must be sealed by the Agricultural Material Control Committee and shall contain the following: percentage of organic materials; name and address of producers; country of origin; number and date of the registration; expiry date; and weight and date of production. The technical, commercial, scientific and advertising publication shall be adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture. Moreover, this Resolution provides for the following: requirements and conditions for packages and exportation of fertilizers; samples and analysis methods. Fertilizers shall be provided with the Environment Safety Certificate.

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Original Title: 

قرار رقم 82/ت باصدار الإرشادات التنفيذية لإستيراد وتداول وانتاج الأسمدة العضوية
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Syrian Arab Republic

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