
Niue National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2015.

The Vision of the Niue National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2015 states that: Niue is an environmentally friendly nation in which conservation and the sustainable management of biological resources support all the living community. This Action Plan is grouped in 8 Themes: 1 Conservation and sustainable management of terrestrial habitats; 2 Conservation of terrestrial species; 3 Conservation and sustainable management of marine ecosystems and species; 4 Management of invasive species; 5 Management of waste and pollution; 6 Management of water resources; 7 Climate change; 8 Traditional knowledge and access to benefit sharing. There has been considerable activity since the first NBSAP was developed in 2001 resulting in many of its actions being completed. In particular, there is now more detailed information on the nation’s biodiversity and the issues that threaten it, to inform the new strategy. However, still remain much to do and new challenges have been identified such as climate change. This second NBSAP also includes 4 brief strategies on Mainstreaming; Communication and Outreach; Resource Mobilisation; and Capacity Development to assist in its implementation. 3.2.1 Protection of biological diversity aims to retain and enhance existing biodiversity, maintaining sufficient remaining habitats and ecosystems to support the population of all species and their genetic diversity. This goal focuses on preventing any further declines of species by maintaining as much remaining natural habitat as possible. It also needs to improve the situation with programmes to increase the numbers of certain species and to encourage the restoration of more areas to primary forest. 3.2.2 Policy, planning and institutional frameworks establishes to integrate the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity into Government development policies and plans. Explanation Biodiversity conservation is recognised as a shared responsibility. Some Government agencies have a direct role in biodiversity conservation, while others undertake activities that can have positive or negative effects on it. It is important for the policies and plans of all these to have regard for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. 3.2.3 Local communities and customs aims to improve village and family awareness about biodiversity and to motivate and support village and family actions to conserve and make sustainable use of our biological resources and to have equitable share from these resources. Theme 6 deals with Management of water resources, establishing the following Objectives: 1 Complete the establishment of a framework for the management of water resources; 2 Prevent contamination of the Niue groundwater lens; 3 Maintain water quality testing programme; Objective 4: Reduce pollution of reefs of Alofi area from land-based sources. Theme 7 specifies Climate change issues, establishing the following Objectives: 1 Promote public awareness and understanding of the causes and effects of climate change; 2 Improve collection and management of climate data; 3 Develop effective adaptation responses and capacity to protect livelihoods, natural resources, assets and vulnerable areas from the impacts of climate change; 4 Mitigate the causes of climate change through reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.

Regional Info


Niue (New Zealand)

Policy Type: 





Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: