
National Environment Management Action Plan (NEMAP).

The National Environment Management Action Plan (NEMAP) is a national plan with a multi-sectoral approach. The Plan covers the period from 1995 to 2005. The document aims at: a) reducing the rate of environmental degradation, b) improving natural and manmade environment, c) preserving habitats and biodiversity, d) promoting sustainable development, and e) improving quality indicators of human life.; Self-sufficiency in food will be attained in an environmentally sound manner. Safe drinking water and basic sanitary materials will be supplied.; Environmentally sound utilization of water resources will be ensured. Water resources and irrigation networks which do not create any adverse impact on the environment will be developed. Environmentally sustainable and scientific ground and surface water resource management will be ensured. The key issues of loss of biodiversity and degradation of natural habitats will be addressed. Importance will be given to sustain the ecological balance while conserving forests. Tree plantation and afforestation programmes will be launched. Regarding the conservation of wildlife, sanctuaries and protected areas in relevant coastal areas will be established. Wetlands will be conserved and migratory birds will be protected. Further measures concern soil fertility, sustainable use of fisheries and livestock resources, rehabilitative measures will be taken to protect natural habitats of fish. In particular, measures will be taken to ensure that activities aimed at developing fisheries and livestock do not create any adverse impact of the mangrove forests and other ecosystems. Zoning control on shrimp cultivating area will be done to reduce salinity due to shrimp culture. Shrimp hatcheries will be established to address the loss of biodiversity due to shrimp seed collection.; In the context of rural poverty alleviation, small-scale shrimp pond projects involving the participation of the small land holders will be promoted to involve small farmers in shrimp production.; Improved assessment procedures and criteria will be developed and guidelines for resource allocation will be prepared. Education programmes will be launched to achieve the policy objectives, including research and dissemination and exchange of knowledge in the area of forestry. The use of agrochemicals, artificial materials and inputs which diminish the natural fertility and organic properties of the soil and cause adverse impacts on man and animals will be regulated. The application of various natural fertilizers and insecticides will be encouraged.; Disasters which cannot be prevented will be managed by adaptation. Adequate preparation to face and overcome disasters will be taken by increasing the capacity of households and local communities in disaster prone areas. Cyclone warning message content and dissemination will be improved. Local level flood prediction and warning system will be developed. All steps will be taken against flood control including construction of embankments, dredging of rivers, digging of canals. The adverse environmental impacts of completed flood control will be mitigated. EIA will be conducted before undertaking projects for water resources management. Land erosion will be prevented. The impact of salinity and alkalinity on the land will be reduced. Community based hazard management program will be launched and hazard protection measures will be taken against marine pollution while managing coastal and marine resources. Scientific study will be done on the impact of sea level rise, drought and desertification and increased use of greenhouse gases. Better waste management measures will be taken and standards for environmental quality will be set.; For the implementation of the NEMAP, the Ministry of Environment and Forest will interact with the Department of Environment, Forest Department, Forest Industries Development Corporation, Bangladesh Forest Research Institute, the Forestry Division of the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council and the National Herbarium and also with other relevant agencies, non-governmental organizations and local communities.

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