The Minister may from time to time by notice in the gazette provide for the establishment of flora reserves, botanic gardens and protection of special habitats (sect. 3) and may include or delete from the Schedule A, B or C to this Act the name of any species or kind of plant or group of plants (sect. 4). Section 5 prohibits the unlawful picking of a plant included in schedules A, B, C or growing in a flora reserve or special habitat or botanic garden (“protected flora”). The Minister may grant Permits to pluck, cut or uproot protected indigenous flora under section 6. No person shall export or attempt to export from Swaziland any protected flora, except upon or subject to the conditions of a permit issued by the Minister under section 7. No person shall sell any protected flora unless such person holds a permit issued in terms of the Plant Control Act 1981 by the Minister. Any owner or occupier of land where specially protected flora are cultivated shall register such flora in the form prescribed by the Minister in Schedule E of this Act (sect. 12). Any person wishing to implement any activity that would impact in indigenous flora shall be required to assess indigenous flora that would be affected stating cats set out in section 16 and such organization or owner shall ensure that proper mitigation measures are followed in accordance with the Swaziland Environmental Authority Act 1992. The Minister may make regulations for the better carrying out of the objects of this Act (sect. 23).
Flora Protection Act, 2000.