The National Environmental Policy and Strategies is a national policy with a multi-sectoral approach. The objectives of the Policy are: a. to promote the sound environmental management in line with the social and economic development and environmental integrity, b. to ensure participatory environmental management, and c. to assure environmental accountability. Safe drinking water will be supplied to meet the needs of whole population. Natural resources such as land, water, air, minerals and biodiversity will be managed in an environmentally sustainable manner consistent with the viability of ecological processes. ‘Life cycle’ and ‘cleaner production’ principles will be applied to improve the efficiency of natural resource use and to improve environmental quality. Good land management and sound agricultural practices will be adopted in all cultivated land. Conservation measures will be taken against land degradation particularly in wet and intermediate zones, and for highly erodible areas, inland and coastal areas, as well as for areas prone to landslides. Land-use planning will be based on form and capability of land. Efficient use of water will be integrated into agriculture sector and water efficient agricultural crops will be developed. Agricultural production will be increased by crop diversification, improved land productivity, and ecofriendly agricultural practices. The ozone layer will be protected against ozone depleting substances and GHG in conformity with the international conventions. In order to ensure biodiversity conservation and ecosystem preservation, (i) degraded ecosystems will be restored, (ii) key coastal and marine ecosystems rich in biodiversity will be declared as conservation areas, (iii) captive breeding of rare and endangered species will be encouraged, (iv) in situ conservation of fauna and flora and their wild relatives and ex situ conservation of genetic resources of agricultural species will be provided, (v) collection of threatened species will be restricted and prohibited, and (vi) habitats of animal and plant will be expanded and protected. Existing legislations will be updated regarding access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization. Forestry protection measures will be implemented with the support of local communities. Marine resources will be harvested through regulation of fishing effort and the use of appropriate fishing gear. Measures will be taken for the conservation and sustainable use of edible fish species in inland waters, marine species and against alien invasive species and marine pollution. Extension services will be provided to all farmers and producers engaged in agriculture and the plantation industry. Environmental management will be ensured through participatory, transparent, predictable and accountable decision-making processes. Decision making in forestry and wildlife conservation management will be based on traditional knowledge, scientific information and research findings. Public-private and community partnerships and linkages will be promoted at all levels of environmental management and conservation. Environmental management will be strengthened through capacity-building, legislative instruments and improved inter-institutional coordination and linkages. Furthermore traditional knowledge and practices will be respected in the development of environmental management systems. Public awareness of all aspects of the environment will be raised through education at all levels, awareness and communication programs and research. Infrastructure of streams, irrigation and drainage canals, river basins, wetlands, reservoirs, tanks and other water bodies, will be improved to meet water quality standards. Waste treatment facilities will be improved for recycling of water, as well as for collection and disposal of solid waste, including hazardous waste. New standards will be developed on pollution by sewage discharge to ensure the quality and quantity of surface and ground water resources. Pollution control will be enhanced through ‘polluter pays principle’. The use of integrated pest management and of bio-insecticides, insect repellents and organic manures will be promoted for plant health. Moreover the use of chemicals in agricultural and aquaculture practices will be minimized to ensure food safety. Hygienic standards will be implemented for sale of cooked food to ensure public health. Energy efficiency and saving will be ensured through energy conservation and management and promotion of use of renewable energy resources. Environmental monitoring will be carried out in all related sectors, particularly on land resources and industrial discharge. Environmental fees will be charged to assure the sustainability of environmental services for the benefit of the people. Archaeological, cultural and religious sites in rural, urban, coastal and inland areas will be protected. Environmental management systems will be adapted to changing situations such as climate change, invasive species and living genetically-modified organisms, with the precautionary principle. The Role of Civil Society will be strengthened for the implementation of the National Environmental Policy in cooperation with the state organizations, non-governmental organization, and the private sector.
National Environmental Policy and Strategies.