The National Environmental Protection Strategy (Strategy) has been drawn up by the Government of Lithuania in 2015 in order to define the priority areas of the environmental protection policy, long-term objectives up to 2030 and a vision for the Lithuanian environment up to 2050. Its objective is to attain a healthy, clean and safe environment in Lithuanian, which would address the needs of society, environmental protection and the economy in a sustainable way. It is a sectoral strategy with national coverage. The Strategy covers four priority areas: the sustainable use of natural resources and waste management, improvement of the quality of the environment, maintenance of ecosystem stability, and mitigation of climate change and adaptation to environmental changes caused by climate change. It’s a cross-sectoral policy with a national coverage with a 15-year implementation period.; The Strategy will seek to ensure that each and every resident of the country has access to drinking water that meets safety and quality requirements.; The Strategy will seek to ensure a long-term rational and sustainable use and protection of national natural resources of importance to the functioning of the state, as well as the restoration and, where possible, enhancement of renewable natural resources by providing conditions for sustainable economic development.; The Strategy will seek to reduce the generation of waste, ensure waste management that is safe for human health and the environment and the rational use of material and energy resources of waste, thereby reducing the use of natural and other resources and the disposal of waste in landfills. The Strategy will also seek to ensure that air pollution emissions in Lithuania do not exceed the volumes defined in international and EU legislation and that air pollution levels do not exceed the ambient air pollution level safe for human health and the environment.; The implementation of the Strategy is coordinated by the Ministry of environment and will be assessed on an annual basis by monitoring compliance with the values of the assessment criteria; also, in 2020, an interim assessment of the implementation of the Strategy will be carried out, and the final assessment of the implementation of the Strategy will be performed in 2030.
National Environmental Protection Strategy.