This Act constitutes the legislative framework in matter of environmental protection within the State of Sabah. Part II of the Act is devoted to the setting up of the Environment Protection Council whose functions shall be to advise the State Government on matters relevant to the implementation of these provisions. On the other side, Part IV of the Act provides for the establishment of the Environment Protection Fund. Further provisions as regards public servants and administration competent in the environmental field are laid down in Part V. For the purpose of contributing to the protection of the environment in the State of Sabah, an environmental protection policy (sect. 9) as well as an environmental protection programme (sect. 10) are to be drawn up. Moreover, environmental protection areas are to be designated by the Minister as per Section 11. Part VI lays down duties and restrictions. As a general rule, no person shall use any land in a manner which has or is likely to have a significant adverse effect on the environment (sect. 28). Further restrictions refer to coastal areas, beds of lakes or rivers, water, discharge of pollutants, vegetation, genetically modified organisms or plants or animals (sects. 29-34). Exemptions for research activities may be granted (sect. 36). Parts VII and X of the Act lays down enforcement measures and penalties respectively. Part VIII provides for the establishment of the Environment Appeal Board which shall hear any appeal brought to it in accordance with Section 47.
Environment Protection Enactment 2002