
Law on the system of protected territories.

This Law makes provision for a system of protected territories for purposes of preservation of ecosystems, fauna and flora, landscape, etc. of distinctive areas of particular natural and cultural interest. Declared objectives include classification of protected territories, to prevent erosion, to protect gene pools of disappearing plants and animals and to preserve biological diversity, to protect groundwater and other water resources, etc. Categories of protected territories shall include state reserves, national parks, natural monuments, protected landscapes, but it shall also be permitted to recognise as such biosphere reserves, ultra-humid territories of international importance, and sites of world heritage. Article 4 concerns state reserves, whereas article 5 defines national park and specifies zones that may be included in a national park: strict protection zones, traditional usage zone, regulated protection zone, etc. A definition of each type of zone is given. Article 10 makes provision for the establishment of a biosphere reserve. The decision on establishment, expansion or upgrading of protected territories shall be made by the Parliament. The first stage of protected territory planning shall be managed in conformity with the Protected Territory Management Plan. The Management Plan shall establish borders of protected territories and of buffer zones, and provide for integrated programs of research, monitoring, tourism, administration, etc. All protected territories shall be registered in the Register of Protected Territories by the Protected Territory Service established under article 18 (art. 17). There shall be a Central Department of Protected Territories, State Reserves and Hunting Areas, the functions of which are outlined in article 18. The Protected Territory shall have also local departments, the functions of which are also outlined in article 18. Article 20 places restrictions on carrying out of activities in protected territories. (23 articles completed by a list of definitions)

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