This Decree establishes hygienic requirements for selection of the location of wells, stills and adjacent territory, and for quality of potable water. The provisions of this Decree shall be mandatory for state bodies, other organizations, natural persons, including individual entrepreneurs, in the process of projecting, construction, reconstruction and operation of freshwater sources. Location of freshwater sources shall be: (a) unpolluted; and (b) be distant at least 50 m from possible sources chemical or bacterial pollution originating from groundwater flows. Freshwater sources shall not be located: (a) in places subject to soil deformation; (b) places subject to flooding; (c) waterlogged areas; and (d) nearer than 30 m to highways with intensive traffic of automotive vehicles.
Decree No. 105 of the Ministry of Public Health validating Sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations for sources of noncentralized potable water supply to the population.