
Action Plan for Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) in Eritrea.

This Integrated Water Resource Management Action Plan, prepared and issued by the Ministry of Land, Water and Environment, shall be instrumental for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the framework of the national development policy and strategy, which has recognized and addressed the importance of sustainable water resources management and increasing water use efficiency for livelihoods and sustainable development of the country aimed at promoting rapid economic growth and poverty reduction. The Plan was developed through a participatory approach, involving national and international institutions and NGO's. The overall objective of the Action plan for the Integrated Water Resources Management is to contribute to the implementation of integrated water resources management in the country, fully linked and coherent with the government’s policies, laws and strategies to enable equity, efficiency and environmentally sustainable management of the water resources. The main objectives of the Action Plan are: Enhance the creation of an appropriate enabling environment for water resources management, development and use; Facilitate the creation of institutional frameworks for water resources management, development and use at national, regional, sub regional and community levels; Improve the knowledge base on which rational water resources decisions will be made; Improve the water resources assessment capabilities of the water sector through the introduction of appropriate analytical tools and upgrading the institutional and human resources capacity; Facilitate the implementation of the future framework of water resources management of the country; Prioritize and classify action plans in terms of short, medium and long term. The Action Plan comprises eight Chapters: Chapter 1 provides overview of the Action Plan background. It also presents the conceptual framework of Integrated Water Resource Management and indicates the responsible authorities, water resources users, outlines the rationale integrated water resources management and describes Integrated Water Resources Management as a continuous process. This Overview concludes with guiding principles. Chapter 2 outlines the Action Plan development process and methodology. Chapter 3 addresses the state of water resource in Eritrea, including also the policy, legal and institutional framework. Chapter 4 outlines in summary the Eritrean Water Vision and Mission. Chapter 5 presents and discusses in brief the overall and specific objectives of the Action Plan. Chapters 6 and 7 compose the main body of the Action Plan. Chapter 6 presents the proposed action plans focusing on seven thematic/action areas identified during the previous stages of the Integrated Water Resource Management process that is the situation analysis and strategy document for reformation of water resources management framework of Eritrea in the future. These are: Water resources assessment, development and protection; Water resources allocation and water use; Disaster management; Enabling environment; Implementation and financing mechanism; Research and information exchange; and Basin Management Plan. The Action Plan defines objectives, strategies and accompanying actions for key areas of action that enable equity, efficiency and environmentally sustainable management of water resources by the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management in Eritrea. Goals for each key area of actions have been set in order to streamline and focus on the action plan development process. For all actions/programs indicative activities, that may provide more information on the type and extent of programs interventions, are included. Chapter 7 presents the Action Plan Cost. Chapter 8 presents the proposed measures to implement the Action Plan. It concerns, among other things, the requirement of institutional arrangements, proposed fund raising strategies, and conditions and terms for successful implementation of the Action Plan. Annex A contains a comprehensive set of proposed actions laid down in a Logical Strategic Framework for Action Plan. Matters dealt with include, among other things, water supply, sanitation, water pollution, catchment protection, disaster prevention and management, irrigation, groundwater, transboundary waters.

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