The Resolution regulates sampling methods of pesticide and agro-chemical residues in food/feed. Its Annex 1, which includes the technical regulation and the main rules, consists of four chapters and 27 articles: General provisions (1); Definition of terms (2); Territorial scheme for selecting sample (3); Temporary place for taking sample (4); Selective place for taking sample (5); Rules for taking sample to control pesticide residues in food/feed (6); Rules for taking samples from field to control nitrates in cultivated plants (7); Taking sample from water (8); Taking sample from underground water (9); Taking sample from sources (10); Taking sample from open water objects (11); Technology and equipment for taking sample and its storage (12); Taking sample from atmospheric air (13); Determining median concentration of pesticides in the air of populated areas (14); Technology for taking samples from atmospheric air (15); Size of sample (16); Speed of pumping air and duration of taking sample (17); Method of concluding about sample (18); Taking sample from soil (19); Rules for taking first sample (20); Rules for taking samples to create first samples (21); Packaging, storing and transporting intermediary and primary samples (22); Authorized persons for taking samples (23); Rules for sending samples to laboratory (24); and Safety measures when taking samples (25). The Resolution also contains Annex 2 on Taking Sample from Plant Materials; Annex 3 on Taking Samples from Animals for Slaughter and their Internal Organs; Annex 4 on Taking Samples from Materials from Storages, Bases, Warehouses, and Vehicles; Annex 5 on Selecting Samples of Treatment and Aromatic Plants; Annex 6 on Act on Taking Sample; and Annex 7 on Acceptance Act of Samples of Pesticides and Agro-chemicals by Laboratory.
Resolution No. 35 of 2014 of Georgian Government on Sampling for Control of Residues of Pesticides and Agrochemicals in Food/Feed and Environmental Objects