
Order No. 95 on environment-related subsidy.

The Danish AgriFish Agency may grant subsidy to agricultural farm land with trees in short rotation and vegetation cultivated with reduced use of nitrogen and without the use of plant protection substances, other than those that may be used for organic production. The Order’s purpose is to support an environmentally-friendly production and primarily organic production of Christmas trees. The subsidy commitment period begins on 1 September of the year of application and ends on 31 August five years later. Criteria for granting subsidy for agricultural development includes that: 1) the area is not subject to existing obligations on the use of chemical plant protection products in adherence to the Agency’s regulations on subsidies for conversion to organic farming agreements; 2) the area is not bound to financial commitments for environmentally-friendly management of wetlands pursuant to Order No. 893 of 22 September 2005 and to Order No. 140 of 10 March 2005; 3) the area is not bound to commitments on subsidies for buffer zones for conservation of pasture and natural areas in adherence to Rural Development Act; 4) the area is not effective for the year during which the years of commitment begins or ends, in reference to article 68 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 73/2009 on extensive farming or maintenance of permanent pasture .; The Act consists of 12 Chapters: Content and purpose (1); Definitions (2); Administration (3); Commitment period and conditions thereof (4); Changing and entry into commitments (5); Calculation of the subsidy (6); Subsidies (7); Duty of notification (8); Cancellation of commitments and repayment of subsidies (9); Force majeure (10); Appeals (11); Entry into force (12).

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Original Title: 

Bekendtgørelse om miljøbetinget tilskud.
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