
Environmental Charges Act.

This Act provides the bases for determination of the natural resource charges, the rates of pollution charge, the procedure for calculation and payment thereof, and the bases and specific purposes for using the proceeds from environmental exploitation paid into the state budget. environmental charge means the price of the right of environmental exploitation that is: (a) regeneration cutting of; forest stand; (b) extraction of mineral resources; (c) water abstraction; (d) fishing; (e) hunting; (f) emission of pollutants into ambient air, water bodies, groundwater or soil; (g) waste disposal by deposit in landfills or other activities which result in the release of waste into the environment. The environmental charge is divided into the natural resource charge and the pollution charge.; The purpose of application of environmental charges is to prevent or reduce the possible damage related to the use of natural resources, emission of pollutants into the environment and waste disposal. A person who, on the basis of an environmental permit or another basis provided by law, has been granted the right to remove natural resources from their natural state, emit pollutants into the; environment or dispose waste, or has performed those acts without the corresponding right shall pay the environmental charge.

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Temporal Info

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