This Act provides legal bases and procedure for assessment of likely environmental impact, organisation of eco-management and audit scheme and legal bases for awarding eco-label in order to prevent environmental damage and establishes liability upon violation of the requirements of this Act. The objective of environmental impact assessment is: (a) to make, on the basis of the results of; environmental impact assessment of proposed activities, a proposal regarding the choice of the most suitable solution for the proposed activities, which makes it possible to prevent or reduce damage to the state of the environment and to promote sustainable development; (b) to provide information to the decision-maker on environmental impacts of the proposed activity and its reasonable; alternatives, and the possibilities to prevent or minimise negative environmental impact; (c) to allow the results of environmental impact assessment to be taken into account in proceedings for issue of a development consent. The objective of strategic environmental assessment is: (a) to contribute to the integration of environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption of strategic; planning documents; (b) to provide for a high level of protection of the environment; and (c) to promote sustainable development. The Ministry of the Environment is the supervisor over environmental impact assessment if the Ministry of the Environment issued development consent or if potential environmental impact of the activities may become transboundary otherwise a supervisor over environmental; impact assessment is the Environmental Board. Environmental impact assessment activity shall be subject to licensing. Environmental impact assessment reports shall be published on a regular basis.
Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act.