
Air Pollution Control (Licensing and Emission Standards) Regulations (Cap. 204).

These Regulations provide with respect to control of air pollution in Zambia. The Environmental Council shall, in accordance with the guidelines set out in the First Schedule, assess the quality of ambient air. The long term emission limits shall be as set out in the Third Schedule. The Environmental Inspectorate may determine the period of time within which an operator of a plant, undertaking or process shall meet the long term emission limit. Any person who intends to erect or install a new industrial plant, undertaking or process which is likely to cause air pollution shall: (a) register with the Inspectorate during the planning stages; and (b) apply for a license in form as set out in the Second Schedule (reg. 5). The Inspectorate shall issue a license to discharge air pollutants in form as set out in the Second Schedule after taking into account the details specified in section forty-five of the Act and after having published a notice in the Official Gazette (reg. 6). The license to discharge air pollutants shall be valid for 36 months and be conform to the long-term emission limits set out in the Third Schedule and be subject to such other conditions as the Inspectorate may determine. Regulation 8 concerns a license for new sources of emissions whereas regulation 10 to 14 provide for permits to emit air pollutants. A person shall not conduct any open air burning of any waste from industrial, commercial operations, domestic or community activities except with the written consent of the Inspectorate (reg. 15). The Inspectorate may issue Enforcement Notices under regulation 16. Fees are prescribed in the Fourth Schedule. (16 regulations and 4 Schedules)

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