The 29 section Regulation is a framework to protect water quality for the Province that has the potential for contamination from industrial operations. It does not apply to single households, sewage is a contaminant, and a source is the source of a contaminant under the Regulation (sect. 2.1). It establishes procedures for application and permit issuance in sewage disposal and water treatment facilities in industrial water use. Approvals of these activities may be revoked, and include conditions on their construction and operation, such as the permissible amount and type of hazardous substances that may be released into water (sects. 3.9 to 9.2). Inspections are at the discretion of the Minister of the Environment and Local Government (Minister), particularly in protected areas (sects. 10, 20 and 16). Where the Regulation is knowingly violated, environmental damage shall be mitigated and immediately reported (sect. 11). The Minister of Health and Wellness may require the Minister to construct or to modify a waterworks should it be deemed in the interest of public health (sect. 13). Records of discharge, subject to the Minister's inspection, are required for a source, sewage works or waterworks (sect. 17). Sanitary standards are also addressed in the Regulation (sects. 18 to 22).
Water Quality Regulation - Clean Environment Act (N.B. Reg. 82-126).