This Directive is composed of 15 articles and 5 Annexes. Articles 1 and 2 deal with terms and definitions. Article 3 prohibits the manufacture and trade of agricultural fertilizers listed in Annex 5 without previous licences from the Ministry of Agriculture. Article 4 adopts technical requirements provided for in the Jordanian Standardization and Metrology for the manufacture and circulation of fertilizers. Article 5 defines requirements and conditions for licensing agricultural fertilizers manufactories and plant growth regulators. Article 7 entrusts the Ministry of Agriculture to analyze samples of fertilizers and plan growth regulators. Article 8 prohibits the production of fertilizers and plant growth regulators before being registration at the Ministry of Agriculture. Article 9 specifies requirements and conditions for the sale of fertilizers and plant growth regulators. Article 11 establishwa requirements and conditions for places destined for the sale and storing of fertilizers and plant growth regulators. Licence-holders for the production and sale of fertilizers and plant growth regulators shall keep registers to indicate the sold or processed quantities of fertilizers and plant growth regulators (art. 12). Article 14 contains offences and penalties. Annex 1 contains the list of simple fertilizers. Annex 2 contains the chemical compound of fertilizers. Annex 3 contains natural or processed organic fertilizers and planting means. Annex 4 contains soil amendments. Annex 5 contains propagative materials.
Directive No. Z/32 of 2003 defining requirements and conditions for fertilizers and plant growing regulators.