This Decree aims at (i) raising the level of income, as well as creating alternative sources of income in rural areas, with specific focus on women and youth rural employment, (ii) developing the agricultural marketing infrastructure, (iii) promoting small and medium-sized enterprises to provide the integration of agricultural production and agricultural industry, (iv) ensuring food safety and the protection of the natural resources and the environment, (v) promoting the use of new technologies developed for agricultural activities, (vi) developing rural activities, and (vii) contributing to local capacities for development. This Decree sets forth procedures and principles of agricultural investments for rural development. The areas of investment are as follows: a) processing, handling, packaging and marketing of agricultural and fishery products, b) establishing greenhouses that uses renewable energy sources, c) processing, packaging and handling of fertilizer, d) self-irrigation systems, e) investments of rural economic infrastructure, and f) unlicensed energy generation facilities that uses renewable energy sources.
Decree No. 2016/8541 of the Council of Ministers on agricultural investment support related to rural development within the scope of rural development.