
Agriculture Fertilizer Regulation, 1938.

This Regulation, of 19 sections and two Annexes, concerns the dealing with agricultural fertilizers before their utilization by the farmer. Registration of a fertilizers stock should be accompanied by two samples of 250g each. A registration certificate is valid till the 31 December of the current year and can be annually renewed. The marking of the fertilizer stock must follow the indications listed in section (4): name of the importer or the producer, registration certificate number and the basic chemical composition of the fertilizer in particularly referring to the percentual quote of Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus-Oxide. Repackaging, facturating and sealing are described in sections (6) to (8). Inspection and sample taking rules are set through sections (9)-(15): sample taking should be done with the presence of the owner of the stock and, possibly, another witness. A table listing the proportion between the number of bags to be taken for inspection and the total number of bags in stock is reported in section (12). Reports should contain any variation of the percentage quote of the chemical elements and variations should not be less than one unit from the reported quotes on the registration certificate. Re-inspection can be ordered to be done on a fertilizer stock older than one year. Paragraph 19 lists the name of fertilizers on which this regulation does not apply.

Regional Info



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Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: