This Act is divided into 9 sections and regulates the use of pesticides and fertilizers. Section 2(1) states that no person shall supply, sell, offer for sale or distribute or keep for sale or distribution, any pesticide or fertilizer unless they first obtain a licence from the minister. Moreover this restriction goes further in that it is prohibited to sell to an unlicensed retailer (sect. 3). A licence will not be issued unless the applicant has a valid and subsisting liability insurance policy in an amount acceptable to the minister (sect. 2(4)). Sections 4 deals with Inspectors and their powers and section 5 deals with permits in the absence of a licence. The Minister may appoint a committee to be known as the Pesticides and Fertilizers Advisory Committee by virtue of (sect. 6(1)). Section 7 outlines offences and penalties and section 8 empowers the Lieutenant Governor in Council to make ancillary regulations and orders as are necessary.
Pesticides and Fertilizers Control Act (C.C.S.M. c. P40).