These Regulations, made by the Minister of State under sections 43 and 134 of the Environmental Management Act, concern a wide variety of matters regarding environmental protection including air quality control, waste management, hazardous waste and other substances harmful to the environment such as pesticides and ozone-depleting substances. Discharge of pollutants requires an emission licence to be issued in the form as set out in the Schedule by the Zambia Environmental Protection Agency. The application shall, among other things, comply with the Water Resources Management Act. Criteria and classification of wastewater shall be as prescribed in the Fourth Schedule. the Agency may require an effluent generating entity to drill wells for the monitoring of groundwater. The Regulations also provide with respect to, among other things: recycling of waste, packaging, labelling transportation and storage of hazardous waste, pesticides and toxic substances and waste management planning.
Environmental Management (Licensing) Regulations (S.I. No 112 of 2013).