The Act - which covers the whole of India - sets provisions with regard to the prevention and management of air pollution. The Central Board for the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution is constituted with the goal of exercising and performing its powers and functions of the Central Board for the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution under this Act. The Central Board may be responsible for advising the Central Government of any matters concerning the improvement in quality of air and the prevention, control and fight against air pollution. The Board is responsible for planning national-wide programmes thereof, assisting and guiding State Boards with technical knowledge for the investigation and research within this area. The State board will inspection of of any control equipment, industrial plant or manufacturing process, and air pollution control areas to ensure standard and quality of emissions of air pollutants in the atmosphere caused by industrial plants, vehicles or any other source (excluding ship and aircrafts). Penalties for non-compliance shall be subject to imprisonment or fine (Chapter VI). CHAPTER I - PRELIMINARY. CHAPTER II - CENTRAL AND STATE BOARDS FOR THE PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION. CHAPTER III - POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF BOARDS. CHAPTER IV - PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION. CHAPTER V - FUND, ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT. CHAPTER VI - PENALTIES AND PROCEDURE. CHAPTER VII - MISCELLANEOUS.
Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act (No. 14 of 1981).