
Nepal National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2014-2020.

The Nepal National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2014-2020 (NBSAP) was designed for the period 2014-2020 and it aims to provide a strategic framework for the conservation and sustainable use of Nepal’s biodiversity for enhancing local livelihoods and eco-friendly national development, and equitable sharing of the benefits accrued from utilization of biological resources among all sections of the society. It is a multi-sectoral strategy and plan with national coverage and the country’s response to its commitment under the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD). The NBSAP highlights the importance of biodiversity for food security and nutrition. It will seek to link the Gene Bank with national (private and public) and international research centers and institutions for increased access and exchange of genetic resources needed for the country to enhance national food security. The NBSAP will seek the improvement in management of protected areas; forest biodiversity outside protected areas; rangeland biodiversity; wetland biodiversity; agrobiodiversity; and mountain biodiversity. It will also seek to address the policy and legislative gaps; as well as institutional strengthening, and mainstreaming biodiversity across the government, society and economy. In addition, the NBSAP will seek the harmonization of biodiversity related international conventions; the enhancement of national capacity for improved management of biodiversity, landscapes, invasive alien species; and the integration of gender and social inclusion perspectives. It will also seek the conservation of and respect to traditional knowledge, innovation and practices of indigenous and local communities. The NBSAP will also promote knowledge generation and management; technology development, acquisition and use; communication, extension and outreach; and fund generation and mobilization for biodiversity. The NBSAP will seek to link biodiversity with poverty reduction, including rural poverty. Specifically, it will seek enhanced human well-being and poverty reduction through mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into the local economy. The NBSAP will seek the promotion of environment-friendly farming systems (organic agriculture, minimum tillage etc.) and climate smart agriculture programmes. The NBSAP will seek the adaptation to and mitigation of the effect of climate change on biodiversity, and enhancement of the resilience of ecosystems, species and human communities to climate change impacts. It will seek the development and implementation of a long-term environmental monitoring program by considering climate change impacts, and of a low carbon economic development strategy. It will also seek the development of guidelines for integration of biodiversity on climate change adaptation projects and programmes; and the implementation of payment of ecosystem services and REDD+ where feasible. The main responsibility of implementing the NBSAP lies with the relevant government ministries, departments and their district, sub-district, and municipality level line agencies. Local governments, NGOs, academic institutions, user groups, and farmer households are other key institutions to be involved in its implementation. The National Biodiversity Coordination Committee (NBCC) will be the main institutional entity for coordination and monitoring of biodiversity related programmes at the national level.

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