The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan is a sectoral strategy applicable at the national level. The objectives are: a) to ensure the conservation of natural resources; b) to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources; c) integrating biodiversity in sectoral development plans; and d) the implementation of enabling mechanisms. The conservation of natural resources will be ensured through: a) the establishment and management of protected areas; b) the protection and rehabilitation of endemic and endangered species by implementing community based in-situ conservation programmes, as well as ex-situ conservation. In this context, genetic banks, seed banks, botanical gardens and public gardens will be established. The sustainable use of wildlife resources will be strengthened. A good management system on rangelands and forest restoration will be established. Maintaining the harvest level of coastal and marine biological resources within the biological limits will be ensured. In this regard, coastal zone management plans and marine protected areas will be developed. Illegal and unsustainable fishing will be prevented. Furthermore, the conservation of agro-biodiversity will be ensured by promoting ecologically sustainable agricultural and pastoral management practices. The optimal allocation of water will be ensured to protect water resources from overexploitation. An important role is recognized to indigenous knowledge and traditions as regards the conservation of biological resources. The Strategy also provides for the adoption of programmes and policies to combat desertification. The adverse impacts of industry on habitats and ecosystems will be reduced by introducing eco-technologies. Furthermore, EIA and effective regulating policies will be promoted. Potential risks of the use of living modified organisms will be mitigated. Recycling, treatment techniques and green technology will be promoted to reduce adverse waste impact on ecosystems. A mitigation strategy will be adopted to reduce the impacts of emissions and climate change on biodiversity and desertification. An inter-agency mechanism will be established for monitoring the implementation of programmes regarding biodiversity.
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.