This Law consisting of 12 articles aims at identifying public sources from which to obtain water for drinking or human use. It deals with: regulating establishment of public water sources; identifying entities concerned with issuing permits, conditions, and specifications that such sources should have; and technical conditions and specifications for such sources. The Law defines public sources of water (art.1); prohibits establishing any water source or setting up any installations for connecting water from any public water sources that is detrimental to public health or not fit for human use (art.2); defines the entity concerned with levying charges, setting conditions and specifications for hygienic specifications for water intakes and their protection from pollution, standards for water used for drinking, human usage, or the food and beverage industry; and sampling and analysis methods to ensure implementation of this Law (art.5); monitoring rules (art.8); and penalties for those who violate the provisions of the Law (art. 10-11).
Law No.27 of 1978 on organization of public sources of potable water and water for human use.