The National Environmental Policy is a national policy with a multi-sectoral approach. The objective of the National Environmental Policy is sustainable development based on integrated and coordinated environmental management to ensure citizens’ quality of life and their living and working environments, equal access to land and other natural resources, more efficient use of social, cultural and natural resources, public participation and environmental governance. Agricultural development and the sustainable use of the land in an agricultural economy will be ensured in an environmentally sustainable and socially equitable manner. Environmental, social and economic impact assessments of all existing and future irrigation projects will be carried out, especially in the savanna areas. Forestry development strategies will integrate the development, management and conservation of forest resources, land and water resources, protected area, energy resources, biodiversity, ecosystems, habitats and genetic resources as well as flora and fauna. In order to ensure environmental sustainability, the Policy stresses on coastal zone management, water resources management, energy conservation, environmental protection, sustainable use of renewable energy resources, sustainable use of mineral resources, waste management, urban planning, and public health. The environmental quality control programme will be improved. Precautionary approach will be applied for environmental pollution, environmental degradation, import and use of hazardous chemicals, marine pollution, transboundary movement of waste, ozone layer depletion and climate change, in line with international environmental conventions. Furthermore measures will be taken for ecosystem preservation with a special emphasis on critical ecosystems and invasive alien species. The use of toxic and hazardous chemicals (pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers) will be regulated to safeguard human life and the environment. Public awareness will be raised and institutional capacity building will be improved on environmental protection to effectively participate in the process of achieving the sustainable development goals. Environmental education will be expanded to develop information and skills and will be integrated into the national education system. Environmental Information System will be developed to supply reliable data and information with respect to the right to live in a clean and healthy environment. Equitable access to all environmental resources, benefits and services will be given with a gender sensitive approach. Environmental Impact Assessment will be carried out regarding use of non-renewable resources, interest and needs of present and future generations, environmental impacts related to resource exploitation, use of alternative technologies with lesser environmental impacts, sustainable use of renewable resources and investment policies. Public participation in environmental governance will be ensured. Climate change and Disaster Risk Reduction will be integrated into National Development Policies regarding agriculture, environment, health and energy efficiency. Public awareness will be raised on climate change adaptation and mitigation and disaster risk management to increase resilience to disasters. The Environmental Protection Agency shall be responsible for ensuring the integrated and coordinated implementation of the policy and the associated activities during the stipulated period. The Environmental Protection Agency and the sector Ministry, in close collaboration with the National Development Planning Commission and other relevant government and non-governmental organizations shall develop mechanisms to ensure that environmental conditions are effectively mainstreamed into the development of policies and programmes. In order to ensure that the national policy is successfully implemented, the Environmental Protection Agency, in consultation with Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology and the National Development Planning Commission and other relevant institutions, will develop a new National Environmental Action Plan detailing strategies and action plans, and setting targets and time frames for the Medium Term. The Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology carries the overall responsibility for monitoring, evaluation and review of this Policy through the Cross-Sectoral Planning Group.
National Environmental Policy.