This Law is composed of 12 Chapters divided into 79 articles. Chapter I contains general provisions. Chapter II deals with protection of the air. Chapter III provides for the protection of seas and marine resources. Chapter IV pertains to the protection of water resources. Chapter V concerns with the protection of food and foodstuffs. Chapter VI refers to the environment reclamation and clearing. Chapter VII relates to the protection against diseases. Protection of soil and plants is given in Chapter VIII. Protection of wildlife is provided for in Chapter IX. Chapter X deals with the protection of the biodiversity. Chapter XI contains offences and penalties. Chapter XII pertains to concluding provisions. Terms and definitions are given in article 1. Concerned Authorities shall take into consideration the environmental equilibrium and EIA as specified in article 5. Concerned Authorities shall propose plans and programmes for: environment; pollution control; cooperation with the International Authorities on pollution control; education in environment protection; control and protection of water resources; issuance of licences; registration of all chemical materials that may cause pollution; environmental disasters; preparation of necessary legislation for the protection of the environment; research and inspection (art. 6). Article 9 provides for the establishment of the Environmental Police with the competence to inspect on the environment. All factories, laboratories, etc. shall register quantities, qualities and components of air pollutants generated by their activities. It shall be prohibited to burn hazardous materials in populated zones (art. 14). Transportation of hazardous materials shall need an authorization as specified in article 15. Control on the emission of pollutants from vehicles is provided for in article 16. Articles 18-30 deal with the following matters: fishing gear and fishing methods; protected species and fishing season; marine pollution caused by ships or by oil. Drainage of wastewater, waste disposal and radioactivity materials in the sea is prohibited as provided for in articles 33-35.
Law No. 15 of 2003 on the protection and improvement of the environment.