The purpose of this Law is to establish an adequate regulatory framework for the development of the environmental policy of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura and its integration into other regional policies, implementing environmental intervention mechanisms that contribute to obtaining a high level of environmental protection. environment and the health of people. The present Law will be applicable to any plan, program, project, work, installation and activity, of public or private ownership, that is developed in the territorial area of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura and that may generate impacts on the environment and / or put people's health at risk. Within the Autonomous Community of Extremadura, integrated environmental authorizations, unified environmental authorizations, strategic environmental assessment, and environmental impact assessment are established as instruments of environmental administrative intervention; The purpose of the integrated environmental authorization is to integrate, in a single act of administrative intervention, the authorizations, mandatory sector reports and prescriptions necessary for the implementation and start-up of activities and facilities in terms of: a) Air pollution, including determinations regarding volatile organic compounds; b) Discharges to continental waters; c) Discharges to the integral sanitation system; d) Waste production and management; e) Contaminated soils; f) Acoustic pollution; g) Light pollution; and h) Radiological contamination.
Law No. 16/2015 - Environmental Protection Law of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura.