
Resolution No. 197-2016-MINAM ─ Creates the National REDD + Registry and establishes provisions for its implementation and management.

This Resolution creates the National REDD + Registry that generates, manages and publicizes information related to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions that occurs due to the implementation of eligible activities, in the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and approves the Provisions for the Implementation and Conduct of the National REDD + Registry. The purpose of this standard is to establish the provisions for the implementation and management of the National REDD + Registry, as well as the requirements and procedures for the registration of initiatives, projects and other similar ones that, potentially or effectively, contribute to the generation of emission reductions. of greenhouse gases (GHG) for the implementation of eligible activities and REDD + actions. Its purpose is to guide the management and publicity of information in an organized, reliable and easily accessible manner, which ensures transparency in the reporting of the reduction of GHG emissions by the implementation of eligible activities and REDD + actions.

Regional Info



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Data and methods




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Date - Final Text: 
