Activity 3.1

Activity 3.1 - Design common methodology & conduct regional demos to refine regional Nr assessments and improve understanding of regional N cycle

This describes an approach which is being replicated across the four INMS demonstration cases.

It includes the following tasks:

  • Examination of N flows by source sector & loss pathway; including improving access to data, leading to quantification of the main flows, better access to data and improved understanding (Task 3.1.1 & 3.1.2).

  • Identification and quantification of the major N source sectors and the major uncertainties (Task 3.1.3).

  • Identification and agreement of the main threats and benefits related to nitrogen for the region, in cooperation with stakeholders (3.1.4 & 3.1.5).

  • Description of the situation in the region accorsing to the N performance indiccators, in cooperation with the global scale analysis of Components 1 and 2, giving a basis to compare regions (3.1.6).

  • Review of available options for better N management and mitigation, including consideration of the N co-benefits and any trade-offs, identifhying win-win opportunities and delivering regional priority lists of options (3.1.7).

  • Profile success stories, especially through engagement with local or regional programmes, while conversely identifying the main barriers to change, and demonstrating how a joined-up N approach could provide support to help overcome the barriers (3.1.8).

  • Contribution to scenario development in cooperation with global analysis, so that the global N scenarios are informed by evidence from the regional demonstrations (3.1.9).