The role and place of low-carbon land use in shaping the system of balanced agrosphere development

TitleThe role and place of low-carbon land use in shaping the system of balanced agrosphere development
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsButrym O.
JournalBalanced Nature Using
Date Published12/2017

It has been proved that the method of land use in Ukraine is not balanced, which justifies the need to reform the organizational-economic relations between land use entities for the introduction of low carbon land use (LCLU). The role and place of the LCLU in the formation of a balanced agrosphere development system has been determined, which determines the choice of strategic directions for the formation of the domestic carbon market (DCM) and proves its effectiveness to preserve the agro-resource potential. It has been substantiated that the formation of DCM is a way to increase the capitalization of agrofuels, the stimulus of the development of related industries and the source of financial revenues for the agricultural sector.