
Found 420 results
Simkins G.  2019.  How the rise in intensive farming is putting pressure on the environment.
Wang X, Daigger G, de Vries W, Kroeze C, Yang M, Ren N-Q, Liu J, Butler D.  2019.  Impact hotspots of reduced nutrient discharge shift across the globe with population and dietary changes. Nature Communications. 10
Midolo G, Alkemade R, Schipper AM, Benítez-López A, Perring MP, de Vries W.  2019.  Impacts of nitrogen addition on plant species richness and abundance: A global meta-analysis. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 28(3)
[Anonymous].  2019.  In Odessa, a global international seminar was held with the participation of ONU. Mechnikov: discussed the appropriate use of nitrogen in the East European region.
Móring A.  2019.  Inception meeting of the UKRI GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub.
[Anonymous].  2019.  India pilots global challenges and resolutions at UN Environment Assembly.
Draga M, Kichigina O., Zatsarinna Y., Tsibro Y..  2019.  Influence of Organic-Mineral Fertilizer Viteri 8–4–5 on Growth Processes of Crop Plants. Agroecological Journal. 2
[Anonymous].  2019.  INMS hails President as SL embraces Nitrogen Management.
[Anonymous].  2019.  INMS hails President as SL embraces Nitrogen Management.
Butrym O., Doroschuk V., Komarova N., Yu T.  2019.  Institutional levers of maintenance of ecological-economic efficiency of agricultural land-use. Bulletin of Agricultural Science. 2
[Anonymous].  2019.  Interview with Joyce Msuya on the launch of the UN Global Nitrogen Campaign. :8:33.
Twigg M, Chatterjee D, Decuq C, Jones MR, Cowan N, Drewer J, Loubet B, Personne E, Fortineau A, Varunesh C. et al..  2019.  Investigation of NH3 Fluxes over a Flooded Rice Paddy in India. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019.
[Anonymous].  2019.  It is time to fix the broken nitrogen cycle says UN Environment Frontiers Report.
[Anonymous].  2019.  It is time to fix the broken nitrogen cycle says UN Environment Frontiers Report.
Kairu P.  2019.  It’s time to let go of nitrogen fertiliser.
Mann J.  2019.  Killer air pollution risk as Scotland's dairy herds grow.
Msuya J.  2019.  Launch of the UN Global Campaign on Sustainable Nitrogen Management.
Butrym O., Bereznytska M..  2019.  Market instruments of carbon pricing for the waste management sector. Economy and the State. 7
Dore AJ, Hall J, Rowe E, Prescott O, Carnell E, Tomlinson S, Dragosits U, Y. Tang S, Simkin J, Stephens A et al..  2019.  Modelling the Concentration of Ammonia and Exceedance of the Critical Level in the UK. Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVI.
Harvey F.  2019.  Muck-spreading could be banned to reduce air pollution.
[Anonymous].  2019.  Multinational nitrogen research hub holds first meeting.
Pradesh A.  2019.  ‘Natural farming hasstruck root in State’.
Moklyachuk L, Furdychko O, Pinchuk V, Mokliachuk O, Draga M.  2019.  Nitrogen balance of crop production in Ukraine. Journal of Environmental Management. 246
Lassaletta L, Billen G, Garnier J, Oita A, Shibata H, Shindo J, Hayashi K.  2019.  Nitrogen Embedded in Global Food Trade. Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustainability. 1:105-109.
Angus I.  2019.  Nitrogen Glut: Too Much of a Good Thing is Deadly for the Biosphere.
