
Found 420 results
Y. Tang S, Braban CF, Dragosits U, Simmons I, Leaver D, van Dijk N, Poskitt J, Thacker S, Patel M, Carter H et al..  2018.  Acid gases and aerosol measurements in the UK (1999–2015): regional distributions and trends. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics. 18
Medinets S, Medinets V, Kovalova N.  2018.  Analysis of EU Directives requirements on solving the problem of N load for the aquatic ecosystems. XXI International Scientific Conference.
Medinets S, Medinets V, Kovalova N, Soltys IYe..  2018.  Analysis of EU Directives requirements on their use in solving the atmospheric N pollution problem. XXI International Scientific Conference.
Lin J, Sobota D., Goodwin K., Compton JE, Mueller-Warrant G., Pearlstein S., Henning A..  2018.  Application of watershed nitrogen budgets to inform management. AGU Fall Meeting.
Briukhanov A, Vasilev E, Kozlova N, Shalavina E.  2018.  Background for introduction of BAT system in intensive dairy farming in Russia. 17th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development.
Webster B.  2018.  Bigger dairy herds push up air pollution.
[Anonymous].  2018.  Call for united global effort to tackle nitrogen pollution.
Burkhardt J, Zinsmeister D, Grantz DA, Vidic S, Sutton MA, Hunsche M, Pariyar S.  2018.  Camouflaged as degraded wax: hygroscopic aerosols contribute to leaf desiccation, tree mortality, and forest decline. Environmental Research Letters. 13(8)
Pearce F.  2018.  Can the World Find Solutions to the Nitrogen Pollution Crisis?
Bai Z, Ma W, Ma L, Velthof GL, Wei Z, Havlík P, Oenema O, Lee MRF, Zhang F.  2018.  China’s livestock transition: Driving forces, impacts, and consequences. Science Advances. 4
Gu B, Ju X, Wu Y, Erisman JWillem, Bleeker A, Reis S, Sutton MA, Lam SKee, Smith P, Oenema O et al..  2018.  Cleaning up nitrogen pollution may reduce future carbon sinks. Global Environmental Change. 48
Daley J.  2018.  The Corn of the Future Is Hundreds of Years Old and Makes Its Own Mucus.
Varma GBSNP.  2018.  Death by nitrogen.
Bai Z, Lu J, Zhao H, Velthof GL, Oenema O, Chadwick D, Williams JR, Jin S, Liu H, Wang M et al..  2018.  Designing Vulnerable Zones of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Transfers To Control Water Pollution in China. Environmental Science & Technology. 52(16)
Tang YS, Braban CF, Dragosits U, Dore AJ, Simmons I, van Dijk N, Poskitt J, Pereira GDos Santos, Keenan PO, Conolly C et al..  2018.  Drivers for spatial, temporal and long-term trends in atmospheric ammonia and ammonium in the UK. Biogeosciences. 18(2)
