Nitrogen Policies


This database compiles 2,726 nitrogen policies from 186 countries, sourced from the ECOLEX database and other databases, as originally provided for the publication by Kanter et al, 2020  and subsequently extended for South Asia by the GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub by Yang et al. 2022 (966 N policies). The database is searchable by country, keyword, date, policy instrument, economic sector and geographical scale.


Kanter et al. (2020) Gaps and opportunities in nitrogen pollution policies around the world. Nat Sustain, 3, pp.956–963.

Anastasia L Yang et al. (2022) Policies to combat nitrogen pollution in South Asia: gaps and opportunities. Environ. Res. Lett. 17 025007.

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Policy Title ECOLEX Ref ID Scale Sector Date of Text
Royal Decree No. 9/2005 - List of potentially contaminating soil activities and standards for the declaration of contaminated soils.
National 14/01/2005
Underground Water Control Act.
Resolution No.1042/1 of 2013 regulating the import of fertilizers and soil conditioners in Lebanon.
National Agriculture 07/11/2013
Waste Water Emission Ordinance - Textile, Leather and Paper.
National waste 18/07/2000
Decision No. 28/QD-TTg approving the National Scheme on control of micro-organism contamination and chemical residues in foodstuffs in the period from 2003 to 2010.
National Agriculture 06/01/2003
Ecological Code (Law No. 212-Z).
National 09/01/2007
NTON 05 002-08: Norma Técnica Obligatoria Nicaragüense para la protección y conservación ambiental de las lagunas cratéricas.
National 09/09/2008
Regulations of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture on Lancang River Protection.
Regulation on limit values for hazardous and harmful substances in the water which, after purification from the public sewage are discharged into the natural recipient.
National Waste 29/06/2007
Regulation on the form and content of the application for registration of plant nutrition products and soil enhancers, and on keeping of the register, the contents of requests and documentation submitted with the request for the use of plant nutrition products and soil enhancers used in scientific research purposes, and on the placing on the market for certain time and quantities (limited time).
National Agriculture 10/12/2009
