
Found 420 results
Itahashi S, Hayashi K, Takeda S, Umezawa Y, Matsuda K, Sakurai T, Uno I.  2021.  Nitrogen burden from atmospheric deposition in East Asian oceans in 2010 based on high-resolution regional numerical modeling. Environmental Pollution. 286
Móring A, Hooda S, Raghuram N, Adhya TKumar, Ahmad A, Bandyopadhyay SK, Barsby T, Beig G, Bentley AR, Bhatia A et al..  2021.  Nitrogen Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural and Environmental Science in India. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 5
Sutton M, Howard CM, Kanter DR, Lassaletta L, Móring A, Raghuram N, Read N.  2021.  The nitrogen decade: mobilizing global action on nitrogen to 2030 and beyond. One Earth. 4(1)
[Anonymous].  2021.  Nitrogen for Climate and Green Recovery - Day 1. :1:56:32.
[Anonymous].  2021.  Nitrogen for Climate and Green Recovery - Day 2. :2:14:14.
[Anonymous].  2021.  Nitrogen pollution is the environmental threat we must hear more about.
[Anonymous].  2021.  Nitrogen pollution limits safe margin for other environmental issues, say scientists.
[Anonymous].  2021.  Nitrogen pollution must be reduced to restore ecosystems.
[Anonymous].  2021.  “Nitrogen Song”. One Earth. 4(1)
Mukpo A.  2021.  Nitrogen: The environmental crisis you haven’t heard of yet.
Móring A, Sutton M.  2021.  #Nitrogen4NetZero. :1:52.
Cockburn H.  2021.  Nitrogen-based pollution driven by agriculture causing almost 200,000 years of ‘life lost’ every year.
Coheur P-F, Levelt P, Clarisse L, Van Damme M, Eskes H, Veefkind P, Clerbaux C, Dentener F, Erisman JWillem, Schaap M et al..  2021.  Nitrosat, a satellite mission concept for mapping reactive nitrogen at the landscape scale. EGU General Assembly 2021.
[Anonymous].  2021.  Nutrient Balance and Use Efficiency in Agricultural Lands in the Vermelho River Watershed, Upper Pantanal, Brazil. JGR Biogeosciences. 126(3)
de Alwys A.  2021.  Oh nitrogen, how little we know you.
Sutton M.  2021.  Opinion: Why care about nitrogen and ecosystem restoration?
Y. Tang S, Flechard CR, Dämmgen U, Vidic S, Djuricic V, Mitosinkova M, Uggerud HT, Sanz MJ, Simmons I, Dragosits U et al..  2021.  Pan-European rural monitoring network shows dominance of NH3 gas and NH4NO3 aerosol in inorganic atmospheric pollution load. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 21
Kovalova N, Medinets V, Medinets S.  2021.  Peculiarities of Long-Term Changes in Bacterioplankton Numbers in the Dniester Liman. Hydrobiological Journal. 57(1)
Greene T.  2021.  Poo overload: Northern Ireland could be forced to export a third of its animal waste.
[Anonymous].  2021.  President attends ‘Rediscovering Nitrogen’ side-event at COP26.
Smith J, Hobzikova Z., Yeluripati J., Sutton M, Skiba U, Nayak D..  2021.  Recarbonizing Global Soils: A technical manual of recommended management practices. Cropland, Grassland, Integrated Systems and Farming Approaches. 3
Schulte-Uebbing L, de Vries W.  2021.  Reconciling food production and environmental boundaries for nitrogen in the European Union. Science of The Total Environment. 786
Chang J, Havlík P, Leclère D, de Vries W, Valin H, Depperman A, Hasegawa T, Obersteiner M.  2021.  Reconciling regional nitrogen boundaries with global food security. Nature Food. 2
[Anonymous].  2021.  Rediscovering Nitrogen - COP26, 31 October, 2021, The Merchant’s House of Glasgow. :1:24:00.
Móring A, Sutton M.  2021.  Rediscovering Nitrogen - Video message from Mark Sutton. :1:24.
