
Found 420 results
[Anonymous].  2019.  Bittersweet nature of nitrogen calls for better management practices.
[Anonymous].  2019.  Bridging Science-Policy Gaps Critical – Nitrogen Management Scientists.
Padmanabhan S.  2019.  British govt to start a project to study nitrogen pollution in India and South Asia.
[Anonymous].  2019.  CAFRE Ammonia challenge in the dairy industry. :06:40.
[Anonymous].  2019.  Changing the approach: turning nitrogen pollution into money.
[Anonymous].  2019.  Colombo Declaration calls for global nitrogen challenge to be tackled.
[Anonymous].  2019.  Colombo Declaration calls for tackling global nitrogen challenge.
[Anonymous].  2019.  Colombo Declaration calls for tackling global nitrogen challenge.
[Anonymous].  2019.  Colombo Declaration calls for tackling global nitrogen challenge.
[Anonymous].  2019.  Colombo Declaration on Sustainable Nitrogen Management.
Raghuram N, Sharma N.  2019.  Comprehensive Biotechnology - 4.17 - Improving Crop Nitrogen Use Efficiency. Comprehensive Biotechnology. 4
[Anonymous].  2019.  Concept note for the Roadmap for Action on Sustainable Nitrogen Management 2020-2022.
Medinets S, Gasche R, Butterbach-Bahl K.  2019.  Continuous year-round measurement of NO concentrations along a soil depth profile in a temperate forest. EGU General Assembly.
Peaucelle M, Bacour C, Ciais P, Vuichard N, Kuppel S, Peñuelas J, Marchesini LBelelli, Blanken PD, Buchmann N, Chen J et al..  2019.  Covariations between plant functional traits emerge from constraining parameterization of a terrestrial biosphere model. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 28(9)
[Anonymous].  2019.  Cutting down on ammonia emissions in the EU: for healthier and more sustainable food production.
Wasley A, Heal A, Lainio M.  2019.  Deadly gas: Cutting farm emissions in half could save 3,000 lives a year.
[Anonymous].  2019.  expert reaction to Defra’s clean air strategy.
Garnett N, Sutton M.  2019.  From nitrogen pollution to farming solutions. Future of Farming.
Msuya J, Sutton M, Raghuram N, Adhya TK, Baron JS, Cox C, de Vries W, W. Hicks K, Howard C, Ju X et al..  2019.  Frontiers 2018/19: Emerging Issues of Environmental Concern (Foreword & The Nitrogen Fix).
Sutton M.  2019.  Guest blog: A Tale of Two Tractors.
Sutton M, Dalgaard T, Cordovil C, Howard C.  2019.  Guia de Boas Práticas Agrícolas para a Redução das Emissões de Amoníaco.
Dujarric S.  2019.  Highlights of the noon briefing by Stephane Dujarric, Spokesman for Secretary-General António Guterres Thursday, 24 October 2019.
Cross A, Sutton M, Jones M, van Dijk N.  2019.  Hit the Gas! (Radio).
Heal A, Lainio M, Wasley A.  2019.  How ammonia is killing off the countryside.
Bittman S, Sheppard S.C, Poon D., Hunt D..  2019.  How efficient is modern peri-urban nitrogen cycling: A case study. Journal of Environmental Management. 244
