
Found 420 results
Tipping E., Davies J.AC, Henrys P.A, Kirk G.JD, Lilly A., Dragosits U, Carnell E, Dore AJ, Sutton M, Tomlinson S.  2017.  Long-term increases in soil carbon due to ecosystem fertilization by atmospheric nitrogen deposition demonstrated by regional-scale modelling and observations. Scientific Reports. 7
Carnell E, Misselbrook T, Dore AJ, Sutton M, Dragosits U.  2017.  A methodology to link national and local information for spatial targeting of ammonia mitigation efforts. Atmospheric Environment. 164
Rowe EC, Jones L, Dise N, Evans C, Mills G, Hall J, Stevens CJohn, Mitchell R, Field C, Britton AJane et al..  2017.  Metrics for evaluating the ecological benefits of decreased nitrogen deposition. Biological Conservation. 212
Medinets V, Gazetov Y, Pavlik T., Medinets S, Kovalova N.  2017.  Monitoring of boundaries of flooded areas and aquatic vegetation in the Dniesterestuary. Transboundary Dniester River Basin Management: Platform for Cooperation and Current Challenges.
Jones S, Helfter C, Anderson M, Coyle M, Campbell C, Famulari D, Di Marco CFrancesca, van Dijk N, Tang S, Topp K et al..  2017.  The nitrogen, carbon and greenhouse gas budget of a grazed, cut and fertilised temperate grassland. Biogeosciences. 14
Leeson SR, Levy PE, van Dijk N, Drewer J, Robinson S, Jones MR, Kentisbeer J, Washbourne I, Sutton MA, Sheppard LJ.  2017.  Nitrous oxide emissions from a peatbog after 13 years of experimental nitrogen deposition. Biogeosciences. 14(24)
Móring A, Vieno M, Doherty RM, Milford C, Nemitz E, Twigg MM, Horváth L, Sutton M.  2017.  Process-based modelling of NH3 exchange with grazed grasslands. Biogeosciences. 14(18)
Butrym O..  2017.  The role and place of low-carbon land use in shaping the system of balanced agrosphere development. Balanced Nature Using. 7(4)
Medinets S, Mileva A, Gruzova I, Botnar M., Medinets V, Kovalova N, Konareva O.P..  2017.  Surplus of Nutrients in the Dniester delta: where does it come from? Transboundary Dniester River Basin Management: Platform for Cooperation and Current Challenges.
Lee MA, Todd A, Sutton MA, Chagunda MGG, Roberts DJ, Rees RM.  2017.  A time-series of methane and carbon dioxide production from dairy cows during a period of dietary transition. Cogent Environmental Science. 3(1)
Kovalova N, Medinets V, Medinets S.  2017.  Trophic status of Kuchurgan estuary waters in 2006-2017. Transboundary Dniester River Basin Management: Platform for Cooperation and Current Challenges.
[Anonymous].  2017.  UNEP/EA.3/Res.8 Preventing and reducing air pollution to improve air quality globally.
Sangomla A.  2017.  When N means noxious.
