
Found 420 results
[Anonymous].  2018.  Elements of Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture.
Jain A.  2018.  Excess nitrogen fertilisers hamper germination, root growth in rice: study.
Padmanabhan S.  2018.  Experts call for global initiative to tackle nitrogen pollution.
Riddick SN, Dragosits U, Blackall TD, Tomlinson SJ, Daunt F, Wanless S, Hallsworth S, Braban CF, Y. Tang S, Sutton M.  2018.  Global assessment of the effect of climate change on ammonia emissions from seabirds. Atmospheric Environment. 184
Wang M, Ma L, Strokal M, Ma W, Liu X, Kroeze C.  2018.  Hotspots for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Losses from Food Production in China: A County-Scale Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology. 52(10)
Gazetov Y, Medinets V, Snigirov SM.  2018.  Hydrological studies of the Dniester estuary in 2012-2017. XXI International Scientific Conference.
Stokstad E.  2018.  In advance, satellites reveal hidden hot spots of ammonia pollution. Science.
Jayaraman K.S.  2018.  India global hot spot for nitrogen pollution, say experts. Nature India.
[Anonymous].  2018.   INI commits to support a global goal to halve nitrogen waste by 2030.
Medinets V, Gazetov Y, Snigirov SM, Medinets S, Kovalova N.  2018.  Investigations of long-term changes of reed-bed zone and waters plants borders in Dniester Estuary. XXI International Scientific Conference.
Angelstam P, Manton M, Elbakidze M, Sijtsma F, Adamescu MCristian, Avni N, Beja P, Bezak P, Zyablikova I, Cruz F et al..  2018.  LTSER platforms as a place-based transdisciplinary research infrastructure: learning landscape approach through evaluation. Landscape Ecology. 34
Pinho P, Dias T, Cordovil CM d. S, Dragosits U, Dise NB, Sutton M, Branquinho C.  2018.  Mapping Portuguese Natura 2000 sites in risk of biodiversity change caused by atmospheric nitrogen pollution. PloS One. 13(6)
Mandal VKumar, Sharma N, Raghuram N.  2018.  Molecular Targets for Improvement of Crop Nitrogen Use Efficiency: Current and Emerging Options. Engineering Nitrogen Utilization in Crop Plants.
Somasekar M.  2018.  N Raghuram elected Chair of International Nitrogen Initiative.
Pruthi R.  2018.  Nandula Raghuram elected as Chair of International Nitrogen Initiative.
Koshy J.  2018.  Nitrogen emissions going up: study.
Du E, de Vries W.  2018.  Nitrogen-induced new net primary production and carbon sequestration in global forests. Environmental Pollution. 242B
Kovalova N, Medinets V, Medinets S, Gruzova I.  2018.  Nutrients excess in the Dniester delta. XXI International Scientific Conference.
Derezyuk N.V, Medinets V, Gazetov Y, Liumkis P.V.  2018.  Odessa Bay phytoplankton investigations in 2016-2017. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Series «Еcоlogy». 18
Springmann M, Clark M, Mason-D’Croz D, Wiebe K, Bodirsky BLeon, Lassaletta L, de Vries W, Vermeulen SJ, Herrero M, Carlson KM et al..  2018.  Options for keeping the food system within environmental limits. Nature. 562
Lisnyak A, Utkina K, Garbuz A.  2018.  Present status of East forest-steppe of Ukraine with reference to ravine-beam system of «Mitrishin ovrag ». Folia Geographica.
Gazetov Y, Medinets V, Snigirov SM, Konareva OP, Snigirov PM.  2018.  Research of Hydrological Characteristics of the Odessa Bay Waters in 2016-2017. XXI International Scientific Conference.
Levy P, van Dijk N, Gray A, Sutton M, Jones M, Leeson S, Dise N, Leith I, Sheppard L.  2018.  Response of a peat bog vegetation community to long-term experimental addition of nitrogen. Journal of Ecology. 107(3)
[Anonymous].  2018.  RSTV Eureka : Balancing Nitrogen Cycle. :31:07.
Daley J.  2018.  Satellite Data Detects Hundreds of New Sources of Ammonia Pollution.
