Nitrogen Policies


This database compiles 2,726 nitrogen policies from 186 countries, sourced from the ECOLEX database and other databases, as originally provided for the publication by Kanter et al, 2020  and subsequently extended for South Asia by the GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub by Yang et al. 2022 (966 N policies). The database is searchable by country, keyword, date, policy instrument, economic sector and geographical scale.


Kanter et al. (2020) Gaps and opportunities in nitrogen pollution policies around the world. Nat Sustain, 3, pp.956–963.

Anastasia L Yang et al. (2022) Policies to combat nitrogen pollution in South Asia: gaps and opportunities. Environ. Res. Lett. 17 025007.

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Policy Title ECOLEX Ref ID Scale Sector Date of Text
Emission Statement Ordinance.
National 24/10/2007
Resolución Nº 698 - Requisitos para el registro de departamentos técnicos de ensayos de eficacia, productores e importadores de bioinsumos.
National Agriculture 04/02/2011
Instruction of 2003 regulating the transportation, storage, production, trade and use of organic fertilizers.
National Agriculture 2003
Resolución Conjunta - Dispensa temporal a transportistas para el transporte de abonos minerales o químicos.
National Agriculture 20/06/2012
Law on environmental protection.
National 17/06/1993
Fertilizers Regulations, 2005.
Regional Agriculture 12/12/2005
Ministerial Decree No. 50 validating the Regulation on maximum permissible harmful impacts on water bodies.
National 19/01/2004
Arrêté déclarant d'utilité publique les périmètres de protection immédiats des sources d'alimentation en eau potable de la zone métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince.
Local 21/04/1999
Cabinet Resolution No.42 of 2000 on Treated Sanitary Wastewater and Its Reuse Regulations, issued by Royal Decree No. M/6 of 2000 (1421 Hegira).
National Waste 18/05/2000
Ley de productos orgánicos.
National Agriculture 30/01/2006
