Other Journal Articles & Conference Papers

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Title Year of Publicationsort ascending Type of Publication
Atmospheric nitrogen deposition to global forests: Status, impacts and management options 2019 Journal Article
Impact hotspots of reduced nutrient discharge shift across the globe with population and dietary changes 2019 Journal Article
Covariations between plant functional traits emerge from constraining parameterization of a terrestrial biosphere model 2019 Journal Article
Institutional levers of maintenance of ecological-economic efficiency of agricultural land-use 2019 Journal Article
How efficient is modern peri-urban nitrogen cycling: A case study 2019 Journal Article
Comprehensive Biotechnology - 4.17 - Improving Crop Nitrogen Use Efficiency 2019 Book Chapter
Nitrogen Embedded in Global Food Trade 2019 Book Chapter
Assessment of Agricultural Innovation Development by ecological  Indicators of Green Grow 2019 Journal Article
Influence of Organic-Mineral Fertilizer Viteri 8–4–5 on Growth Processes of Crop Plants 2019 Journal Article
Market instruments of carbon pricing for the waste management sector 2019 Journal Article
Modelling the Concentration of Ammonia and Exceedance of the Critical Level in the UK 2019 Book Chapter
Satellite pinpoints ammonia sources globally 2018 Journal Article
Background for introduction of BAT system in intensive dairy farming in Russia 2018 Conference Paper
Application of watershed nitrogen budgets to inform management 2018 Conference Paper
‘A tale of two regions': Nitrogen inventories in the Nooksack-Fraser Transboundary Watershed 2018 Conference Paper
